What can cause infertility in a woman?

Have you been trying to get pregnant for long, but having some difficulties? Well, it may be an infertility issue, so let’s talk about it.

Infertility issue is hard to discuss and many women avoid talking about it, but it should be discussed. Getting pregnant and delivering a baby is the dream of each and every woman and infertility may be a barrier. If you are facing some issues that are making it difficult to get pregnant, then you need to talk with health experts and get possible treatments.

BioEdge: Is infertility a disease?

Some signs of infertility:

  • Inability to get pregnant
  • Too long or too short menstrual cycle
  • Absent or irregular periods

Common causes:

Some common causes of infertility include:

  • Age: Fertility decreases naturally after age 30-35.
  • Problems with cervix
  • Damage to fallopian tubes or uterus can be caused by a birth defect, scar tissue, a previous infection, and polyps in the uterus, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, chronic medical illness and abnormal cervical mucus. Fallopian tubes actually carry eggs from ovaries and damaging these tubes may be a real cause of infertility. Blockage of fallopian tubes can be diagnosed by Interventional radiologistsYou can find out the best Interventional radiologists in Jaipur to get the right treatment on the right time by knowing the actual issue.
  • Issues with ovulation that may be caused by stress, overweight, thyroid gland problem, drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, a cyst or tumour, hormonal imbalance and more.
  • Hormonal problems may also cause this infertility issue in women. If your body does not go through usual hormonal changes, then again it is not good. These hormones are required to release an egg and thickening of uterus’s lining.
  • Fibroids and polyps may also cause uterine trouble and interfere with fertility.
  • Issues with the menstrual cycle may also cause infertility in women.
  • Sometimes eggs do not mature properly and there may be different reasons of it. They may include obesity, PCOS and lack of protein required to mature the eggs. An immature egg may not get fertilized and get you pregnant.
  • POI (primary ovary insufficiency) is also a cause that leads to infertility. Production of hormones and eggs stop at a young age and it causes trouble getting pregnant.

Risk Factors:

  • Alcohol
  • STD may damage fallopian tubes
  • Having sex with multiple partners can cause infertility issues later
  • Unprotected intercourse
  • Underweight or overweight ladies may face infertility issues
  • Smoking may damage fallopian tubes or cervix
  • Ageing

When to see a doctor?

You can see a doctor when you experience some symptoms like itching or soreness in the vagina, discomfort/pain during intercourse, abdominal pain, fever, unusual vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding and more.

How to prevent it?

You may take steps to prevent it. You can avoid drugs and alcohol consumption and prevent STD. You can consult with a doctor if you find things unusual with your menstrual cycle.


This is how you can deal with the real issue associated with infertility.

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