What Is Ultrasonography?

Ultrasonography is the process of an ultrasound scan. In a medical emergency, doctors suggest performing medical tests, where interventional radiologist in Jaipur uses high-frequency sound waves that help in capturing live images from within your body or physical body. In medical terms, radiologists call it diagnostic sonography or ultrasonography.

What Is Ultrasonography?

Sonar and radar help military bases to detect planes and ships that you may have heard. In ultrasonography, the technology is similar to sonar and radar. By performing an ultrasound scan, your doctors can see issues and problems with organs, vessels, and tissues without needing to make incisions.

One good news with this technique is that there is no use of radiation. It becomes a primary reason for performing ultrasonography to view developing fetus during pregnancy.

Why Do We Need To Perform Ultrasound Scan?

In most cases, a radiologist in Jaipur uses ultrasound scans for pregnant women. It helps a mother to view her unborn child. Still, an ultrasound scan has scope in many areas, as I have listed below.

In some cases, doctors suggest for ultrasound scan if you have pain, swelling, or any symptoms of internal bleeding to view your organs. So, here are some other applications of an ultrasound scan.

Ultrasound scan for the bladder, brain, eyes, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, ovaries, pancreas, spleen, thyroid, testicles, uterus, and blood vessels.

Preparation For Ultrasound Scan:

Preparation of ultrasound scan depends on the organs your doctor wants to study.

The first step is to take fast for eight to twelve hours. When doctors examine your abdomen, it is compulsory to take a fast. It is because undigested foods block the sound waves, and pictures can not be visible properly.

Sometimes, to examine your liver, pancreas, spleen, or gallbladder, doctors suggest you eat a fat-free meal before you want to test. After that, you have to take fast until the process finishes. However, doctors allow you to drink water and take suggested medication.

In many cases, doctors suggest you drink water and wait for the urine. The purpose is to keep your bladder full to get better visualization. If you take any drugs or prescription, you have to tell it to your doctor so that your doctor keeps it in mind.

Follow the exact instructions that your doctors give. Do not ignore your questions if you have any. Honestly and fearlessly ask questions to your doctor.

How To Perform Ultrasound Scan?

Change to a hospital gown, and lie down on a table and expose your body-section that you wish to test.

A sonographer, or say, an ultrasound technician, applies lubricating jelly onto your skin to prevent friction so that he or she can rub the ultrasound transducer on your skin. It will send the high-frequency sound through your body, and these waves will return whenever they collide with a dense object like a bone or organ.

interventional radiologist in Jaipur says that the collided sound waves generate a picture on a computer screen.

Wrapping Up:

Did you find this informative article helpful? I have explained almost everything on what is ultrasonography and how to perform it. If you think you want to perform ultrasonography, then contact an interventional radiologist in Jaipur.

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