When should I be concerned about varicose veins?

The blood flows back from different body parts back to the heart with the help of veins. There are tiny valves that open and close so that blood can flow back, but in some cases, the valves get damaged or become weak due to which blood cannot flow back. Because of this, the veins twist or stretch, these veins are known as varicose veins.

Varicose veins appear purple or bluish, and the veins get swollen. Varicose veins occur mostly in legs, but it is not necessary, they can happen in any part of the body. In some cases, the varicose vein may even burst out, which give results to varicose ulcers.


Mostly the reason for the varicose vein is the increased blood pressure, and you have weak or damaged veins. Other different reasons for varicose veins can be

  • Hereditary
  • Being in the same position for a very long time.
  • Due to overweight
  • Sometimes it can happen with age too.
  • Accident and injury

There can be other reasons as well, but these are the most common causes of varicose veins.


Sudden pain and swelling in the vein is the most common symptom of the varicose veins. Other symptoms may include

  • Bulging of the vein
  • Bleeding
  • Swollen Ankles
  • Itchiness
  • The area may appear to be purple or bluish.


While the area affected may appear bluish or purple along with the swelling and redness, the doctor would still conduct an ultrasound to be sure about it and select the treatment process accordingly.

In some cases, the doctor will do a Doppler test to get a better idea about the damage.

Are varicose veins A threat

Varicose veins don’t necessarily pose a health threat, and chances are very rare, but yes, it can be dangerous. Rarely, the varicose vein may rupture, and this results in the ulcers on the skin, which is quite complicated. Other than that, there is a possibility of bleeding and blood clots, but these happen very rarely.

When should I be concerned about varicose veins?

Although it is very important to consult a doctor immediately if you have a varicose vein. Also, there is a high risk if the varicose veins rupture and form skin ulcers. Along with this, the varicose vein poses a great risk for health if the pain starts to increase suddenly, and the swelling increases because it is a clear sign of blood clotting. If the skin feels hot on touching and starts to turn dark brown, it may be an issue of serious concerns.

It doesn’t mean that varicose veins will always impose a health risk, but you must consult a doctor and get proper treatment as soon as you feel the symptoms of varicose veins. If left untreated varicose veins may even lead to pulmonary embolism (PE), which is life-threatening and is very dangerous. In some cases, there is also a possibility of skin infection due to varicose veins.

Even though the chances are rare, one should always be careful about a little thing and take their issues to a doctor because these things can be pretty dangerous

What can you do?

Even though you can’t treat varicose veins completely at home, you can always take necessary precautions to avoid it from getting any worse and reduce the risk. Some of them are

  • Exercise everyday
  • Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes
  • Avoid being in the same posture for long periods
  • Maintain a healthy and proper diet.

Be aware about every factor so that no trouble will be there for you in any case or meet with Varicose veins doctor in Jaipur.

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