Varicose veins are one of the most common problems people face these days. These are when having a diameter more than three millimetres, and as a result, there is regular pain and cramps in veins. Sometimes a person is not able to move their leg as well and as a result, immobility takes place.
Doctors suggest getting the treatment as soon as possible because in case it left untreated, it contributes to multiple problems. Here we are disclosing the problems that may appear if you left it untreated.

Problems arise:-
Spontaneous bleeding:
We all know the varicose veins occupy a very close place to the skin, and in case any cut or wound takes place it contributes to extensive bleeding. Until and unless the varicose veins problem is not treated, they need to face this trouble.
Blood clots:
Blood clots are really very serious effect in case no treatment has been done for varicose vein. It appears in deep vein thrombosis, and it leads to the emergency as well. The blood clot breaks off, which leads to pulmonary embolism. Thus, it is important to treat blood clots as early as possible to avoid this problem.
Changes in the skin:
Varicose vein constitutes to change in skin colour as well. If you left it untreated, these will turn Shiny and take a darker colour as well. Usually, bruised pigmentation takes place, and as a result, these contribute to disturbing the structure of skin around the veins.
Swelling is also one of the most terrible problems a person can face. When the swelling takes place, as a result, immobility also happens. A person will not be able to engage in activities. The reason is that the blood is not pumping out of the legs properly at all. Some people also noticed cramps, restlessness and leg swelling as well.
Superficial thrombophlebitis:
Superficial thrombophlebitis is a condition when blood clots form around the vein which is close to the skin. As a result, it contributes to swelling and pushes the veins against the skin to make them more visible. It contributes to discomfort.
This problem is one of the most complicated problems and appears as a warning sign that something really very terrible is about to take place. This is the kind of illness in which a person is suffering from pain, and there is a change in colour of skin as well. It is important to approach the doctor if a person has noticed any such condition.
These are the problems that arise when a person left varicose veins untreated. They need to approach the varicose veins doctor in Jaipur as soon as possible so that the condition will not worsen.